Pen Drawing in German (Week 2) – Abstrakten Kunst

During this second week, I started using the different textures learned in the first seven days to create more detailed drawings. One of the highlights of the week was the last two days: abstract art. It looks random, chaotic, and disorganized. And maybe it is! As I read in the instructions, it required focus and concentration. But it was totally worth it. I have to say, I’m really glad about the results so far with all the drawings!

This week I completed the characters based on objects (Days 9 and 10). On Days 11, 12, and 12 I worked on flowers and ornaments. Creating symmetric figures is always a challenge, but these were fairly simple. I noticed what a great difference can make, the strength of the pen stroke. It looks totally different. A slightly stronger stroke creates a whole different outlook.

Most of the days I did my practice around 8 pm. On Day 14, as an exception, I split the practice into two sessions. As a rule of thumb, I prefer to do my one-hour practice in one sitting. No breaks, no multiple sessions. So, I don’t want to make a habit out of it. I like the idea of setting clear rules for this daily practice but, at the same time, I want to leave room to handle the unexpected, whenever it arises.

I think there are lots of benefits to doing the daily practice in one stretch. First, I think it’s more conducive to concentration. Once we are “in the zone”, it’s easier to stay there. I don’t like the idea of being interrupted in the middle of a good drawing session πŸ™ƒ. Second, it gives you enough time to see the progress and -many times- complete the drawings in a single sitting. This is very motivating. And, third, it’s easy to do! Every time I work on my drawing I need to take out my notebook, the pens, and open the e-book. If I do it once every day, it makes it easier for me as if I have to do it twice (or more times).

Week 2 Drawings

Below you can find the daily drawings. Each day, I’m practicing for an hour. Sometimes, I fill one or two pages. But there are days when I work on more detailed stuff, and maybe it’s just half a page πŸ™ƒ. As soon as I reach the one-hour mark, I put the pen down and take the photo of the day. Click on the thumbs to see the larger pictures:

New Vocabulary & Listening

I added 15 new notes (spread across nine cards) to my Anki deck, based on new words and expressions used in the current sections of the Kuli Kunst ebook. This time I’m trying a new method: after transcribing the text of the parts I’m interested in, I translate these sections with Google Translate. Then I use both the original and the Spanish translation to create the new cards.

I continue listening to German audio most days while drawing. One other podcast I really like is Bratwurst und Baklava. This is a comedy podcast hosted by two guys with very different backgrounds (yes, one of them comes from a Turkish family!). Both speak excellent German though. It’s interesting to see the type of language used by men in their forties.

That’s all for now! πŸ˜Š