Pen Drawing in German (Week 3) – Der Mikrowahnsinn

I always loved doodles and icons. I have a thing for hand-drawn icons. In fact, one of my websites uses a WordPress Theme named ‘Doodles’ πŸ™ƒ. Look at the icons on this menu. I didn’t draw them myself, but it would be cool to learn how to do it. This week, I feel like I started getting at least some experience in that direction. Maybe in the future, I will create my own icon collection and website designs. Who knows!

Most of the drawing sessions this week were after 10 pm. As I don’t have a set time to do the daily practice, it will tend to vary from week to week. I think it would be a good idea to keep a fixed time to practice drawing, but in the meanwhile, I’ll keep it flexible. Three years ago I did a 6-week art project (landscapes with pastel pencils) where I practiced daily for 45 minutes, and I did my practice just before bed (around 10, 10.30, or 11 pm). Coincidentally, this week, I used that timetable.

In some drawings (such as the abstract one and the little faces), there’s plenty of room to go on your own. Whenever I can, I try not to copy exactly what I see in the book. With certain figures and images, I do an exact copy (the animals, for example), but with forms, little characters, fonts, and stuff like that, I try to improvise. Copying a model is a good exercise, but also is creating our own forms! πŸ˜€

After completing the faces and the animals, I noticed that the original crammed way more forms in the drawing space. It would be interesting to come back to this exercise later and take the time to do tiny faces (or smaller animals). As for now, I’m okay with doing it like this. Going very small would have taken much more time, and I really want to try the next projects. With the current sizes, the faces took me three days. Which is not so little time! I don’t expect to finish the whole book in three months, but I want to get to the more advanced projects! πŸ€“

Week 3 Drawings

Below you can find the daily drawings. Each day, I’m practicing for an hour. Sometimes, I fill one or two pages. But there are days when I work on more detailed stuff, and maybe it’s just half a page πŸ™ƒ. As soon as I reach the one-hour mark, I put the pen down and take the photo of the day. Click on the thumbs to see the larger pictures:

New Vocabulary & Listening

I added 19 new notes (spread across eight cards) to my Anki deck, based on new words and expressions used in the current sections of the Kuli Kunst ebook. I’m using both Cloze Deletion on regular information cards, with Spanish translations provided by Google Translate.

Depending on the day, I may listen to podcasts or to music while drawing. Usually, I just put my Spotify list or queue a couple of podcast episodes. Sometimes I listen to one of the audiobooks from Deutschlandfunknova (my favorite station!).

That’s all for now! πŸ˜Š